
Posto - Discount Card for Our Loyal Customers


You have been visiting our stores regularly for quite some time and we are always your first choice. You don't like bargaining over prices, nor referring to people you know in order to get a discount. You also know that "lowering the prices" from case to case is illegal, so you don't expect it from our side. However, you feel that, as our loyal customer, you deserve to pay – some percent less.

And we agree! We sincerely value all our customers, but our favorite one are you – you who come to us whenever you work, whether for business or for your soul, as well as when you furnish your home or garden for relaxing with the people you love... We have been thinking on how to reciprocate for a long time, and now we have finally found the way!

We present to you Posto – a card that will systematically reward your loyalty!


The rules are clear. Apply by filling out a simple form and we will issue a Posto card to you for free. Every next time you are buying something, hand it to our cashiers. This will enable us to add up all your purchases and, as soon as their sum reaches a certain level, you will be granted an entitlement to discount. Since we count on each others for the long term, this benefit will be long-lasting too – from the moment of fulfillment of condition, the deserved discount will be subtracted from all your purchases, at least in the next 180 days.

You already own the old Okov discount card? Excellent – fill out the form and we will immediately issue a Posto card for you, which will grant you the same discount you have already had, at least in 180 days from 1st of April.




Even better, Posto card will allow you to constantly gain bigger and bigger benefits. Namely, once you start buying with discount, we will add up these purchases too – we will promote you as soon as you meet the condition for a higher discount rank. You may use your new, higher discount from the first next buy, and it will again last for 180 days – unless you qualify for even higher discount during this period. We will do our best to support your growth!



You are buying for a company? No problem. The card, that will be issued for a legal entity, will allow you to gain, use and increase your discount under the same conditions as natural persons. Besides, you can be totally relaxed when choosing the method of payment – we will add up all your purchases, whether you pay for them in cash, or via bank transfer.


If you, however, buy at a steady pace, it will be our pleasure to follow it, always extending your entitlement to discount. To keep the earned discount after the guaranteed 180 days, all you need to do is to – during the whole period – make purchases of total value higher than the condition prescribed for that discount. A benefit not easy to lose!




Nevertheless, life has its ups and downs. Sometimes it may happen that, during the 180-day guaranteed period, you don't meet the requirements for extending your entitlement to discount. After this period, we will grant you a lower discount, according to purchases you made. However, nothing is over yet – as soon as you get back in shape and qualify for a higher rank, we will gladly welcome you back.




We will dedicate ourselves to enabling you to deserve your first discount as soon as possible and advance easily later on. To help you raise your purchasing sum, we will always offer a number of fantastic products at discounts only for the Posto card users, regardless of their rank.


* The following will not be discounted:
1. promotional and items already on reduction or discount;
2. purchases paid for by bank cards that allow benefits (discount and delayed payment);
3. purchases where other benefits were used (external loyalty programs etc.).
Purchases mentioned under points 2 and 3. can not be recorded nor be pulled into the total value of purchase on Posto card.